by mtgadmin | Apr 3, 2019
19 years of experience working in complex corporate transactions with broad practice experience developed in both senior in-house and preeminent global law firm roles. Currently serving as General Counsel to an innovation beauty company and a Hollywood...
by mtgadmin | Apr 26, 2018
Current Chairman of Blue Nectar Spirits Co., which he founded in 2010 Some noteworthy accomplishments include: Founded GMAC Business Credit, a joint venture with GMAC and grew the company to $3.5 Billion in just over 3 years Currently an investor in three community...
by mtgadmin | Apr 26, 2018
25 years of experience working with financially and operationally challenged companies Prior to joining M-Theory Group, was a Managing Director at Deloitte for XXX years, and prior to Deloitte, spent 13 years as a commercial banker in Detroit, Michigan Some noteworthy...
by mtgadmin | Feb 14, 2018
Founding Member of Resource Funding Capital, a boutique Private Equity group Extensive finance and banking experience Some noteworthy accomplishments include: Chief Underwriter for OneWest Bank Senior Manager at Lloyds Banking Group Bank of America Risk Manager, $6...
by mtgadmin | Jan 27, 2018
18 Years Industry/Management Experience Founder and Chairman of Singularity Ventures / M-Theory Group of companies. Some noteworthy accomplishments include: Served as CEO of M-Theory Group for 11 years Has developed nearly $200MM in opportunities in 15 years and...
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